Monday, May 16, 2011

Updated Letter from JJ...continue to PRAY!

This is the latest update from Nicaragua on Juan's accident, from JJ Yemma Please read.

Hi to all, I am writing this evening with a heavy heart. My new friend Juan Carlos Mairena(actually I had been saying hi to him for years because he is always out fishing at the beachy out back) almost 4 months ago he had 65% of all his skin blown off his body after accidentally coming in contact with the high tension power lines. 14000 volts. The hospital that he was taken to originally in Managua actually used him as a practice patient by medical students getting there medical degrees. They basically didnt think he would live. After they did serious grating over all his body maybe only 5% stuck and the rest got super infected and had to be scrapped off. Then they sent him to his house. You can imagine in Nicaragua your typical dirt floor home chickens everywhere. He was told to keep it all open. Then about 15 days after the accident a missionary couple Doctor Bill and his paramedic wife Christy were lead to Juan where they immediately realized they where in over their heads. Other doctor friends they were seeking advice from told them they should just leave him because there was no hope. They prayed hard about it and decided they felt like they heard the Lord say he will Live. This couple spent 60 hours a week with Juan changing 2 times a day all of his whole bodies worth of bandages. Anyway 2 months later and some pretty major improvements considering how he was, Then I was brought on the scene. The doctors time and money(they came to Nic with 25k to serve Nicaragua and her people and Juan consumed a lot of it)had come to an end. At this point they had already changed antibiotics a number of times and he was still having fevers every 3 days or so. I made some calls and we were off to Vivian Pellas(one of the best hospital in Central America). I had no idea what we were getting into. I figured maybe 10k. Now we are almost 2 weeks into him being in the hospital and weve already spent 11500$ and I talked with the hospital today and they have a 5200$ bill and growing. Plus I will still owe the doctors over 5k for all the work they have done in surgeries to clean him up. Anyway, we have already raised just under 13k in donations. Pretty amazing I know. I would have never though it possible. So Im getting the word even further out there to see if Juans story moves your hearts to help him. Juan has a wife and a 4 year old daughter named Angelita. If you would like to help there is no donation to small. We have a paypal set up and are paying for all the bills down here with my states credit card and paying it down in the states as the money comes in. Thanks to all of you that have helped out. This has been amazing to see how generous all of you have been. Lets help Juan hold his daughter again....... Blessings to all.......JJ

Below is the link to send $$ thru paypal...... or you can use my email

or just click on the donate button below!

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